Collage sur le droit et le savoir en temps de pandémie [Version Intégrale]
P. 1-223PDF
Collage sur le droit et le savoir au temps de la pandémie – Law and Learning in the Time of Pandemic – A Collage
P. 1-2PDF
Table des matières – Table of Contents
P. 3-5PDF
Biographie de l’artiste / Artist’s Biography
P. 6-6PDF
Shauna Van Praagh et David Sandomierski
P. 7-12Full TextPDF
P. 13-13PDF
Blue / Bleu: Balance/ Blues; Balance / Les Blues
P. 14-14PDF
Shauna Van Praagh
The Speed Bump – Changes in the Neighbourhood Spring 2020
P. 15-19PDF
Graham Reynolds
An Essential Service: Public Libraries and their Role in Law and Society
P. 20-24PDF
Chistopher Samuel
All Dressed up With Nowhere to Moot
P. 25-29PDF
Nayha Acharya
How Covid-19 Rekindled the Spirit of Teaching
P. 30-35PDF
André Bélanger
Sapere Aude ? Temps et temps de questionnements
P. 36-40PDF
Newman Dwight
Analyzing the Effects of Covid-19 on Legal Pedagogy and Scholarship: A Hurly-Burly in Five-And-a-Half Parts (A Collage Within a Collage?)
P. 41-46PDF
Yellow/Jaune: Young Professors/ Academic Year; Jeunes professeur(e)s / Le journalier
P. 47-47PDF
Adrien Habermacher
Fenêtres ouvertes et portes fermées
P. 48-53PDF
Jeffrey Meyers
Accommodate us All Please: A Case Against the Status Quo
P. 54-59PDF
Tenille E. Brown
Thoughts of a Newly Appointed Assistant Professor: Learning About Place in the Time of Pandemic
P. 60-64PDF
Ryan Gauthier
Teaching Essentially: Emergencies, Flight Instruction, and The Law School Classroom
P. 65-70PDF
Gerard J. Kennedy
Narrative, Interrupted: Reflections on a First Semester as a New Law Professor Like no Other
P. 71-74PDF
Jonas-Sébastien Beaudry
Poems and Drawings
P. 75-82PDF
Offwhite/Coquille d’oeuf: Optimism/ On-line; Optimisme/‘On-line’
P. 83-83PDF
Jennifer Nedelsky
My Covid Pause
P. 84-88PDF
Howie Kislowicz
Weird Lex but OK – A Song for the Ucalgary 1L Class of 2020
P. 89-90Full TextPDF
Howie Kislowicz
Bounce Back – A Song for the UCalgary Law 2020 Graduating Class
P. 91-92Full TextPDF
Blair A. Major
Making Something New: Legal Education in a Pandemic
P. 93-98PDF
Harith Al-Dabbagh
Coronavirus et… Droit musulman !
P. 99-103PDF
Nicole O'Byrne et Alden Spencer
Leaving the Classroom Behind? Lessons Learned from Designing an Online Law and Film Webinar Series
P. 104-110PDF
Joao Velloso et Vinicius Da Silva
Delocalizing Law and Learning: Challenges and Opportunities for International Cooperation in the Time of Pandemic
P. 111-118PDF
Green/Gris-Vert: Governance/Grief; Gouvernance/Grief
P. 119-119PDF
Carol Liao
On Race and Academia in the time of Covid-19
P. 120-125PDF
Rosalie Jukier
Grieving and Learning in Solitary Confinement: Some Uncanny Parallels
P. 126-130PDF
Colin Campbell
War Finance vs. Pandemic Finance
P. 131-134PDF
Gemma Smyth
Law School Assessment Revisited
P. 135-139PDF
Jason MacLean
How Not to Think in an Emergency
P. 140-146PDF
Ivan Tchotourian
L’après Covid-19: des prémisses à reconsidérer en droit des sociétés de la gouvernance
P. 147-154PDF
Rose/Rose: Resilience/Research; Résilience/Recherche
P. 155-155PDF
Annalise Acorn
Stoicism and Professional Responsibility in a Pandemic
P. 156-161PDF
Emmanuelle Bernheim et Pierre Noreau
Les chercheuses et chercheurs dans la cité en temps de pandémie – La covid comme révélateur du caractère collectif du travail intellectuel et scientifique
P. 162-167PDF
Anne Levesque
Universal Design in Legal Education in a Time of Covid-19
P. 168-174PDF
Ruby Dhand
The Covid-19 Pandemic, Accommodations and Legal Education
P. 175-180PDF
Vanisha H. Sukdeo
Teaching With Hope During Less Hopeful Times
P. 181-183PDF
Brenda Cossman
Anxiety, Amnesia and Finding One’s Intellectual Way Through a Pandemic
P. 184-186PDF
Anna Lund
Resilience Was a Bridge too Far: Wonder, Endurance and Exhaustio
P. 187-190PDF
Angela Campbell
Looking Back, Looking Forward
P. 192-196PDF
Lorna A. Turnbull
Covid Caring: Connections Count
P. 197-203PDF
Sarah Buhler
Law Schools, Clinical Legal Education, and the Pandemic Portal
P. 204-210PDF
Chrisitine Morin
Les personnes âgées en temps de pandémie, et après?
P. 211-215PDF
Lisa Silver
That Time of Year
P. 216-219PDF
David Sandomierski
The Virtual Mirror: Reflections and Refractions of my Pedagogical Identity
P. 220-223PDF